On Sale

SKU: K-4097


Megapixel - Full Set

Megapixel - Full Set
Megapixel - Milky Quartz

Megapixel - Milky Quartz
Megapixel - Millet

Megapixel - Millet
Megapixel - Carotene

Megapixel - Carotene
Megapixel - Roe

Megapixel - Roe
Megapixel - Honeycomb

Megapixel - Honeycomb
Megapixel - Seedling

Megapixel - Seedling
Megapixel - Algae

Megapixel - Algae
Megapixel - Droplet

Megapixel - Droplet
Megapixel - Ripple

Megapixel - Ripple
Megapixel - Night Sky

Megapixel - Night Sky
Megapixel - Constellation

Megapixel - Constellation
Megapixel - Barnacle

Megapixel - Barnacle
Regular price $0.00

Designed on Tick Studio’s loom using melange yarns and a striated weft, Megapixel is Luum’s first indoor-outdoor chenille textile. Featuring a chunky, tactile woven surface, Megapixel’s handmade sensibility is paired with high UV and bleach cleanable fibers, which maintains the ideal performance qualities for contemporary environments. Inspired by traditional fiber techniques like cording, each yarn in Megapixel interacts to display an interwoven visual effect that is highly dimensional and reaches 2,000 hours of lightfastness. The 12 colorways in this palette vary in depth and shade, providing an option to suit a variety of applications.